Monday, May 28, 2007

GAME OVER by Magda & Bogdan Pelmus(RO)/multimedia interacting project/June 1st 2007,7.00 pm

BOOM ! - video 4'57 Bogdan Pelmus
GAME OVER - slideshow 4'40 Magda Pelmus

Concept by Magda Pelmus

A recent study made by the association Children of the World Protected Inc., in U.S, shows a monstrous proportion of the juvenile violence face to normality. According to this study 96, 72% of the children have tendencies to become violent and 63, 58% are potential serial criminals, the rest of 37% being a serious danger not only for the society but for themselves too, the study showing that they have suicidal tendencies.
In the spring of 2007, a test was made on 100 subjects of different nationalities and from diverse social categories, with ages between 3 and 16. The test shows that 99, 82% of them are attracted to violent games and movies with violent content, dirty language, sexual scenes, guns, crimes, so on.
The monstrosity doesn’t stop here. Over 93% of them have had the wish to imitate what they have seen and more than 78% of them resorted to vandalism, 62% to verbal and physical abuse, street fights, 19% of them suicide and 13% to homicide. Those are real numbers that scare us.
Same kind of test was made twenty years ago, in 1987, and the numbers reveal us that then only 23% of the minor subjects had developed violent tendencies, from which only 2% had developed suicidal tendencies and 1, 02% criminal tendencies. From here we may say that children traumas made by society are strongest today then before.
Not longer than last year we were witnesses at numerous facts of vandalism and juvenile criminality over all continents. The juvenile criminality phenomenon is increased by the violence excessive promoted through: movies, games, family ignorance, mass media, playgrounds, schools.
A study ruled in 2004 on pupils showed that 2, 5% of 11-12 years pupils have had consumed marijuana at least once and 0, 4% heroine, 0, 3% ecstasy, 0, 2% cocaine and 0, 1% LSD. Constant consumers of marijuana had self declared 0, 1% and of cocaine also 0, 1%. Offences made by minors are increasing and diversifying in forms, this way being born new types of offences like the electronic kinds of. In 2005 from the amount of 59.105 charges, 11.400 were charging minors (and 2.188 were for violence). From the amount of charges on minors robbery is almost 80%, piratical offences 12%, physical violence 3, 59% and prostitution 0, 6 %.
In 2005 on national level were functioning 36 prisons from which only 2 for minors and young people, also 3 centers for readjustment and 6 hospitals penitentiaries. The number of convicted children was increased, in 2004, at 851(681 being in the penitentiary’s custody and 170 in the readjustment centers custody). The penitentiaries for adults have special sections, for minors, those holding the majority of the convicted minors.
“Knowing that in present the percentage is increasing threatening, we appeal to the mature ones, of those who have the power of information, of culture people and not in the last place of mass media to ask for your support fighting to erase violence and juvenile criminality. For this we ask to be interdicted the news, movies, games and any other kind of activity with a violent character. GAME OVER!” said today Jonathan Smash , president of the corporation Union for a Better Tomorrow , in a press conference that was taking place with the J3 summit for fighting against juvenile criminality.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

THIS PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND by Octavian(Dk)/ multimedia installation - May 3rd , 2007 , 7.00 pm

Va invitam bla bla bla vernisajul proiectului This Page Cannot Be Found,proiect interactiv video installation, drawings on paper , lapte si miere, alkavit de Danemarca si bere.

Artistul va fi present.Octavian educat la Bucuresti si Copenhaga,active in cimpul muncii artistice ,initiatorul galleriei de arta contemporana Katharsis din Copenhaga si a proiectelor de colaborare intre cele doua tzari prietine si e.u.rizate.:FUZION INTERNATIONAL SI GLOCAL.

Artistul va fi omnipresent.

Va fi deschis la public

La discutii marunte birfe smenuri susanele.

Va juca teatru

Va fi sarmant

Se va umili

Se va enerva

Se va distra

Se va duce sa faca pipi des

(din pricina berilor multe)

se va conversa numai cu cei importanti

se va tine la distantza de provocatori

va fi echidistant.

Se va da in vint dupa dame influente si batrine si bogate

Va vorbii cu orice politician indiferent de coloratura si pe limba lor

va da dovada pe alocuri de badaranie si superioritate

Va da dovada de altruism fatza de confratii care nu au ajuns undeva

Va fi mereu senin

Va fi deschis ptr. Toti indiferent de etnie religie sex convingeri politice

Curtinitor cu cei puternici

Autoritat cu ignorantii

Guru cu adeptii

Hedonist cu hedonistii

Sofist cu sofistii pesimist cu pesimistii liberal cu liberalii

Comunist cu comunistii intolerant cu nazistii

Socialist cu socialistii

Democrat cu democratii

Sexual cu impotentii impotent cu delicventii superior cu complexatii

indiferent cu confratii

Sfidator cu birocratii

Vagabond cu securistii securist cu machiavelistii

Vinzator cu proBushistii si DUIOS CU FARMACISTII.


Octavian 2007

THIS PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND by Octavian(Dk)/ multimedia installation

This page cannot be found 12'00" - still image

President 30'00" - still image

Monday, April 23, 2007

POLLUTION -project by KO.KE.M / INTERart 2006/ Friday 27th April 2007 , 19.00

The period we live in causes more a mental and physical indisposition rather than making us feel content and fulfilled.Pollution in both its obvious and hidden forms-is present in our everyday:

- the changes needed to adapt to consumer society
- the loss or change of values
- superficiality, poverty and lack of culture
- pursuit of material goods
- lack of time, pseudo-cultural consumerism
- false freedom, so on

All the above factors present us with the circumstances that lead to mental and physical pollution. The achievements with the help of institutions, cultural programs, foundations and cultural centers promote, protect and create cultural values ; as well as artists through their peculiar approach and handling of the situation - professional associations and contemporary artists raise the awareness of pollution amongst various social problems through their own experience.
by KO.KE.M , INTERart 2006